Are you frustrated with your PC? Is it feeling sluggish or crawling at a snail's pace? Are programs running slower than they used to? Are you just plain fed up with frequent slowdowns, freezes or crashes? Then it's time to stop what you're doing and optimize your system to improve PC performance! Follow these 6 simple sure-fire tips to help improve PC performance and you'll be surprised by the results! Each comes with an indication of how often you should do it. Improve PC Performance Tip #1: CLEAN UP YOUR WINDOWS REGISTRY (Frequency = Daily) This is an essential, but often overlooked, task to improve PC performance. In fact most PC users are unaware of the necessity to regularly clean the Registry as Microsoft does not include a cleanup tool in any version of Windows. Every time a program is installed it makes changes to the Windows Registry - a huge internal database of Windows' settings. Virtually all Windows programs, and Windows itself, store a massive array of information inside the database. These thousands of entries control the behavior and appearance of virtually everything on your system. Changes to your PC system are not always handled correctly in the Registry, leading to conflicts and the slowing down of your PC. Over time this leads to a bloated and possibly, corrupted Registry. Reasons for this include: - frequently installing or uninstalling programs - removing a program which leaves traces behind - leftover entries from a hardware uninstall - unused drivers on your system - Spyware or similar programs that reappear every time you reboot You can edit the Registry manually using a Windows program called Regedit, but this is really a job best left for hardened PC experts. Thankfully, programs are available that can clean up your Registry automatically to help improve PC performance, such as "Registry Optimizer '06". This scans your Registry, looks for entries that are redundant or invalid and lists them so that they can be corrected with one mouse click. As an added bonus, to improve PC performance, it runs automatically in the background every time you start your PC. You even get a complimentary PC Windows Health Check. Improve PC Performance Tip #2: EMPTY THE RECYCLE BIN (Frequency = Weekly) Regularly empty Windows' Recycle Bin. This will release hard drive space and help improve PC performance. When you choose to delete a file, rather than removing it completely from your computer, Windows first puts it into the Recycle Bin. This gives you a second chance, as it means you can restore flies from the Recycle Bin back to their original place on your computer. To ensure optimum PC performance, empty your Recycle Bin weekly (or even daily). To do so, right-click the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop, and choose Empty Recycle Bin. Improve PC Performance Tip #3: REMOVE PROGRAMS (Frequency = Monthly) Installing programs is easy - but once you have, it's just as easy to end up leaving them languishing, forgotten, on your hard disk. Most programs come with their own uninstaller. You'll find this under the program's entry in All Programs, from the Start menu. If the program doesn't come with its own uninstaller, open Control Panel from the Start menu, and double-click Add/Remove Programs. Your PC will pause briefly while it gathers a list of all the programs you have installed.
24 Januari 2012
Make Easy Money Online With Your Own Website
Everybody wants to earn money! So rather than spending your time just goofing around, you can try doing business at your home or even at your office on the side or as full time. You just need an internet connection and money is just a click of the mouse away. It is easy to think of a business but it is hard to control it. With an online business, you are the boss of your own business, you earn at the same time you enjoy your life. The task on your part is easy, some mouse clicks and the right idea will lead you to profit. One way to earn money easily is through making your own website. How can you make money out of it? Easy. This is where you will post or publish your product if you are going to sell something. You can also add your personal information if you want to apply for work. There are a lot of things that you can do with your personalized site. You need to grab all the chances that will come to you, when people come and visit your site. This will be your doorway to your new career. To start with your site, check out the following tips: 1. Do some brainstorming - This is the stage at which you can come up with so many ideas. Among all the ideas that come out of your mind, choose the best. You will determine your entire plan for your site. The style that you want or even the business that you want to start, all these should be the result of your brainstorming. 2. Assess and be consistent on your target market- After going over all the concepts of your site, choose a target market. This will include the customers that you will have. Usually, it varies from age brackets and status or profession of a person. 3. Estimate the time and money that you have to exert and spend on your business- All of these factors will affect your profit so it is necessary that you have an estimated cost. You need to be aware fo the fact that the more money or gain that you want the more time you will also spend with your site. 4. Create your website name- Your primary consideration is to create a name that will attract the attention of visitors. They will be more interested to search on your website if it has a pleasing name. 5. Hire a professional- If you do not know how to do web design, hire a professional. A professional web designer can help you with your problem. If you want your site to look really professional you have to hire a professional! 6. Upload your website- If everything is fixed and you are now ready to let people view your site, then upload it. If you intend to sell products from your site, you need a way to accept payments. You can apply for a merchant account or use one of the many third party credit card processing companies like paypal, 2checkout, or stormpay. After your website is up and running you need to promote it. A website without visitors won't make any money. So web promotion is one of the most important things if you want to make money from your website. There are thousands of free ebooks, reports, articles, and online courses available that will teach you how to attract visitors and how to improve search engine ranking. Just go to your favorite search engine and search for e.g. "web promotion free ebook". So, good luck to your business!
A Brief On Small Business Accounting Software
IT revolution has enabled business organizations to be more efficient in their performance in multiple ways. Well, business accounting software is one such by-product of IT revolution that has made it easier for business entities to maintain their balance sheets and other accounting aggregates. The IT industry has come up with different software solutions for different business entities. For a bigger organization, software packages comprise of additional features to meet vast accounting requirements of the organization. Similarly, for small business entities, a good number of small-business accounting software are on the block. They come with sufficient features to facilitate smooth maintenance of various accounting aggregates and related financial statements. Let's find out what all small accounting software can do for your business and what are their basic features. A decent small business accounting software proves very helpful in day-to-day maintenance of inflow and outflow of accounts. It enables you to keep a fair detail of your revenues and expenses that help you in making business forecasting. Modern software packages keep clear records of invoices, bank deposits, purchase records, expected cash flow and other such aggregates. You also get to know about relative status of these accounting aggregates. It helps in regulating undesirable expenses thus help increase profit of the company. Since most people operate small scale business through internet now a days, online accounting and business features in the software are must. There are a good number of small business accounting software in the market with varying features. While choosing one for yourself you must ensure that the software enjoys credibility by other small business organizations. More innovated versions of these software have been also found coming up with auto financial details with the help of data fed under different categories of receipts and payments. The software package must possess user friendly data entry system which is almost similar to Microsoft Excel entry system. This is to simplify complex aggregates to make you reach at financial conclusions from your balance sheets and other bills and receipts. Many software also lay special emphasis on payroll details. Self generated financial directives often happen to be of immense importance in making fortune of your company. So you should never overlook these software delivered reports. So always look into these aspects before buying a software package for your small company.
22 Januari 2012
Free Classified Ads Submission Guide
The best part of being a web site owner - or webmaster, or site
stakeholder - is the ability to publish on the world wide web your
latest offering. And the cheapest - if not the freest - is through the
various classified ads on the Internet.
You can publish your ads
through a number of means. One is by manually submitting your ads.
Another is by using some free submission program. Still another is
downloading some demo submission software.
You can acess the
free ads submission sites or demo programs by doing a Google search. Or
you can email me for my suggestions. Whichever you choose, it requires
some work on your part.
But there is a difficult part to this.
One of the most daunting tasks of an Internet-based entrepreneur like
you, whether you are experienced or a newbie, is to find high traffic
classified ad sites to post your ads.
The purpose is always -
and has ever been - to increase your web site traffic. As you know, more
site visitors means more revenue.
Your problem is made more
difficult by the mushrooming of free classified ad web sites on the Net.
Which sites among the hundreds, nay thousands, to submit your ads and
The purpose of this article is first, to provide a
no-nonsense guide to web site owners and webmasters as to the best
places on the web to submit your ads and URLs. Second, this article
gives a fair warning to all and sundry to be very careful about buying
ad submission services and programs.
As for the scam submission
services and fake submission software, there is a warning in Latin that
says, "Caveat Emptor," or let the buyer beware. You have to do your own
due diligence to outsmart the sellers of these lemon submission services
and unworkable submission programs.
Some of these ineffective
submission services and software are aggressively being promoted on the
web. You should therefore be wary of taking a bite on these services and
As an example, sometime late last year, one of these
inferior submission programs was advertised on the website of a leading
internet marketer. So many words were said about the product. And yet so
negligible the results. This early in 2006, you read other lemon
submission programs on the web.<For the honest-to-goodness ad submission sites, your problem is how to
locate them. The web sites that are getting higher traffic are
generally preferred. But which web sites to submit to, among the
thousands out there? As they say, it's like looking for a needle in a
With due diligence and research, however, you can
locate these better classified ad sites. These are noteworthy web sites
to submit your classified ads and URLs for free.
If you cannot
do a research of your own, you can find other people who have done some
research on the subject and who can give you tips on where to submit
your ads.
I have done some research of my own, too. Some of the
sites I have discovered are featured in my web page at
your ads to a few but highly visited ad sites will spell a difference
in your profit position. I suggest using a different email address for
your ads submission.
You will find immediately below a listing of various web sites where you can place your ads for free.
complete listing of free ads submission sites is available at
Good luck to your ad posting!
20 Januari 2012
Web Business: What's In A (Domain) Name? For Casino Sites, A Lot
You've seen them before and wondered what the heck they were thinking:
small businesses with domain names like
"". Half-out-loud you say:
what, was "" taken? A new
advertising technique of "illegal" casino websites helps prove that your
snickering is absolutely justified.
Cheapskates and Johnny-dot-Com-Lately's
you've consulted for small business websites as long as I have, you
have probably encountered more than a few whose owners decided to save
three dollars at Godaddy by buying a dot-biz domain name. Or a dot-net,
dot-info, or dot-whatever was on sale that week.
Whatever it is,
forget trying to tell them that they may have lost out in thousands of
dollars of business from type-ins. That is, from all the people who will
type in the dot-com version and get an error message--or a parked
domain advertising naughty-naughty pictures. Nor should you tell them
that everyone who knows a dot-biz from a dot-com knows that the former
is usually offered on sale and is the beast-mark of the most extreme
kind of penny-wise-pound-foolish cheapskate. The obviousness of the
truth of the observation will only make them hate you more.
there are the netrepreneurs who wanted that keyword-perfect domain name
so badly that they took a dot-biz, dot-org, dot-cc, or
dot-what-the-heck-does-that-stand-for? when the dot-com version was
already taken. You know what I'm talking about: a one-man-band bookstore
that buys the "book" domain with the Vatican's top-level domain
extension because Barnes & Noble has, and every
other possible variant was also already taken.
Again, don't
bother telling these people they're just sending type-in traffic to
Barnes & Noble. You are arguing against a cottage industry. Pitcairn
Island, population under 100, has its own top-level domain name
extension. No doubt they can cut back on their rare coin and postage
stamp production thanks to the hundred bucks (US, not Pitcairnian) per
domain paid by wishful Johnny-come-lately's. And GoDaddy is no doubt
raking in the credit card digits from .us domain names that are worth
their weight in gold pixels. This is the web version of small business
owners paying thousands to put their kids in their TV commercials. If
you're a business consultant, you correct their error at your peril.
Why Casino Sites Know Web Businesses Need Dot-Coms
case you have some justification for a dot-whatever lurking in some
self-destructive corner of your brain, let me write this as clearly as
possible. For a US or international business, the only suitable domain
name extension is dot-com. Nonprofits can get by with dot-org, schools
with dot-edu. Non-US country-specific businesses can use their own
national domain name extensions. No, my fellow Americans, there is no
justification for dot-us, even if your shipping area does exclude Canada
and Puerto Rico and military addresses to boot
Why? Here's solid evidence the dot-whatevers are so bad.
1) Type-in traffic.
many people really will type in the dot-com version of a non-dot-com
business website. I discovered powerful proof of this once after I saw a
television commercial for a website with educational information about
gambling. Curious how they were making money on this deal, I typed in
the domain--and found a website with actual gambling right on the
homepage, which would be flagrantly (though perhaps technically) illegal
for me to use. Only later did I realize that the TV commercial had
advertised the dot-net version of the domain, and I had typed in the
dot-com version. The dot-net version has the educational material.
would a no-membership-fee content website--with little to no
advertising--recoup the expense of television advertising? Only if a
vast number of the visitors to go to the money-generating dot-com
2) Prestige
You may think I'm completely off-base
and a business's domain name choice is none of my dot-biz-ness But the
fact is those opinions are my opinions, they're not going anywhere, and
if you want to impress me, a dot-whatever domain name won't do it. And
I'm certainly not the only one who feels that way. Maybe you can just
devote your dot-whatever website's homepage to refuting the snickerers
like myself?
3) SEO
True snobs, search engine algorithms
are suckers for anything that smells of respectability--and dot-whatever
does not smell like that. How often do you see a high-ranking
dot-whatever business site? The irony is that many dot-whatever domain
name owners hope that having the keyword in their unique domain name
will help them in search engines.
In the end, I have to admit
there's one good thing about the snobbery against the dot-whatever
domain names. They provide a way for web business consultants to sort
out the serious inquiries from the slush, just by looking at the "from"
19 Januari 2012
Developing a Business Plan!
There are many important steps to consider when developing a business plan for your company, but the first step is to fully understand the main uses of a business-plan. The four main uses of a business-plan are as follows:
• A Business Plan is a written document that you can use in your search for external financing.
• A Business Plan is a tactical planning and management tool for your business.
• A Business Plan is a document showing the capacity of your team to control and manage all the aspects of the company.
• A Business Plan brings you new ideas to refine your project by checking and estimating the induced hypothesis.
The necessity of Business Plans
The drafting or update of your business-plan is essential to the good management of your company. It can be used when searching for a business partner, for obtaining external financing, and for defining some stages of the development of your company, such as:
• The creation of your company.
• The launching of a new product.
• The establishment in a new market.
• The transfer, buy-out, or the structural development of your company.
Should you call in a consultant or write the Business Plan by yourself?
You should be the main (if not single) author of your business-plan, because the Business Plan is, so to speak, your own "baby", it is a reflection of your personality; it is by this means that your investors will discover the person with whom they collaborate.
But your project may be too important and you may want to call in a consultant for help and consultation. Even so, you should stay in control of its development!
Tips for developing a quality business-plan.
1. To be credible, a business-plan must be coherent and each parameter in the Business Plan must be based on facts.
2. There are many methods to build Business Plans, but very few can help you correctly carry out reliable financial projections based on a preliminary commercial engineering and market study.
Indeed, one frequent mistake when building Business Plan's is to first define the target in terms of market share, and then try to "find" the number of customers necessary to fill these objectives! This process should be reversed.
3. In addition, one essential point in a Business Plan is to define concrete policies and measures. This definition aims to gain a reasonable number of customers, based on a sufficient knowledge of the market. The quantitative estimate of this gain must be calculated on realistic monthly and annual increase rates. A well-founded pricing policy then makes it possible to estimate the sales turnover in the years ahead.
The calculation of the costs of the planned actions in your Business Plan are essential and make overall financial projections possible. In short, financial forecasts – including those related to the financing of the project – must be elaborated from the basic elements of the project. They should be proceeded by a commercial engineering study which projects a realistic estimate of sales.
4. In a Business Plan, the marketing plans as well as the financial forecasts require a basic understanding of how these important elements are calculated. You can use good software – some of which is free – to faciliate the development of your Business Plan.
5. The last point and certainly not the least significant: A Business Plan is never ended "once and for all". A regular follow-up and comparison between the theoretical Business Plan and the reality of its execution are essential. You can then modify your Business Plan and adapt it to improve performance and achieve your goals.
Significance of E-commerce for Web Development
Mainly with the competitive situation that the present industry is experiencing, businesses were able to come up with a notion of expanding their services online. Through this service they were able to easily meet with the increasing demands in the market. And because of the intensive services brought up online clients and customers were able to easily reach out to attain their needs.
The internet indeed is among one of the most helpful tool in reaching out for them. For, through an online search customers easily and quickly get what they are in need of and as well as having lots of choices and abundant opportunities to cling on.
However setting up online businesses is same as selling your products and services in the local market. The only difference is in the market you may be tired and exhausted of selling and explaining about the details of your products. While with the online service you manageably operate your service even at the convenience of your offices or even homes.
Moreover the development of web sites had been commercial companies' expansion of their service. Mainly the innovations made in technology had remarkably changed the way businesses work on with their projects. However putting up an online service is not as easy as setting them online and let them operate. In planting an online service you have to be specific and communicative.
Sequentially in order to have an effective means of presenting your business e-commerce web development can significantly work out to create a remarkable marketing site for your business. E-commerce had been an effective means for web development for it had been an efficient mainstream in selling your companies products and services.
Basically with the application implemented through e-commerce web development your business is able to gain traffic and turning your site visitor into potential customers. And attain to achieve top quality e-commerce solutions for a more profitable online store.
Primarily with the numerous services that are sprouting at present you can surely attain your need for e-commerce web development project. Simply by means of choosing for the right company for your job for sure you can achieve to have a successful web site. With the companies' knowledge and experience they can help you perform tasks that will integrate your designs and as well as build and manage profitable internet stores.
Good Web Site Design
There are very few web pages on the internet that clearly state what is good web site design and what is not good web site design. That's because it's completely subjective, like what is beautiful and what is not beautiful. So it takes a highly opinionated strong ego like this one to step in there and say "OK folks, this is what it is." Now I jumped on board the internet back in 1994 after I began to believe that not only would it be "The Next Big Thing", but that it actually does offer the human race the potential to connect all our minds together in an entirely new way. When I decided to create my own web site, I first had to take a good look at as many music and other web sites as possible in order to learn what not to do before I could visualize what I should do. I've visited thousands of web sites since then, I've talked to countless net surfers about what they like and don't like, and we all tend to agree on some major points:
1. Text that is hard to read, including use of tiny fonts against black backgrounds and illegible fonts against picturesque backgrounds.
2. Anything that slows page downloading speed. Net surfers are impatient and they will exit out of any site where pages take too long to download or have plug-ins that have to be downloaded in order simply in order to view your page.
3. Lack of a clear "Mission Statement" on the home page. Web surfers want to know immediately what a web site is about. They don't want to have to read several pages to get it and then decide the time spent wasn't worth it.
4. Lack of clear instructions on the home page explaining how to get essential information from the site. Web surfers want to surf with speed, not study in a library.
5. A home page that requires you to click on something to enter the site (that's called a portal page). What's the point? You've already entered. Why in the world would you care to enter twice? Would an architect design two doors you'd have to go through to get into a bathroom? Would a sane contractor ever build it that way?
Is Email Ruining The Postal System?
Email is the main method of communicating in the 21st century. Instead of asking for a telephone number or a street address, people now ask for your email address. No one writes a letter and sends it in the mail anymore and very few invitations or birthday cards come through snail mail. You can even get your monthly statements for cable or Internet through email, so why do we need a post office anymore.
Email is now just a part of everyday life as the post office. However, we do need the post office to receive the packages that we order through email. When you shop online, you do need a way of getting what you paid for, so yes we still need the postal system. What email has helped to do is reduce the amount of paper that we have to recycle or throw away, thus helping the environment. It has also reduced the number of trees that need to be destroyed in order to make the paper. There is a downside to this as well. This reduction in paper production has meant the loss of many jobs in the paper and logging industry.
Email makes it possible to get messages instantly without having to wait days or weeks for a reply. It is an exceptional way of sending money to children in college because with online banking you can now send money to anyone in the world. Even if this is a complete stranger, neither person has any idea of the bank account or even the name of the bank that each one deals with. You simply get a message that someone has sent you money and you follow the steps to deposit the money right into your bank account.
With email, the world has a much smaller place. You can communicate with someone thousands of miles away in a matter of seconds. It has also reduced the cost of long distance telephone calls between business associates, friends and family. Send and receive pictures through email and keep in touch 24 hours a day.
Make Money Online With Targeted Keywords
A keyword is a word or concept with special significance which describes a concept used to organize webpages and objects on the Internet. In today's world, more and more people use the Internet as a tool to get or sell specific product, service or information. Compared to previous model-directory search, keywords search has specific advantage, convenient, fast and also exact.
The trend is that most of those users use keywords to search. The search engine giant Google holds the half market of keywords search. Meanwhile, PPC (pay per click) campaign has hit the web like a storm. Pay per click campaign attracts much more interest from both advertisers and webmasters.
Keywords or key phrases are terms that a possible client would use to find your product or service. It is important to have a large number of top paying targeted keywords - but it is equally important that these top paying targeted keywords be specific relevant to your website. Keywords research is a continuous never-ending process that can help increase traffic and attract targeted visitors. This is the most important for you to make money online.
Top paying targeted keywords are the best keywords among searches. They have targeted function and high ROI. You should remember that top paying keywords will change. To make money with targeted keywords, you need to know much more top paying targeted keywords.
For advertisers, it is very important to control budget and get a high ROI. Some top paying keywords have a low bid price but the function of target is same to other high paying keywords. It is better to replace these high paying keywords.
A common mistake is to target the wrong keywords or worse, even no particular keywords at all. When you optimize your website, you are optimizing your targeted keywords. It means you create a list of specific words and phrases which you know users will search for
08 Januari 2012
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